Thursday, March 26, 2009

like a thermonuclear bombshell

'' Don’t say a word. Let me talk. You missed me? Because I missed you. You’re a real tyrant. It’s so hard to be mad at you. But don’t kid yourself, I still am. I want to talk and forget the game, just for once. Like my dress? I hesitated. Nabbed it off my sister. She has another red one, like a thermonuclear bombshell… That’s the one I should’ve worn. I must’ve spent… three hours in front of the mirror. But I got there, see? I’m pretty. You better like it, or I’ll kill you! ''

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

wait till the perfect time,and when you will wait too long, he will be gone ...

Afara e mie imi e frig. Soarele e sus si mie imi pare intuneric.. Astept zambetul pe fata el asteapta de ceva vreme. Mi-e frig si accelerez in in zare e doar drumul si dealurile pline cu zapada.. Inceput de primavara... o primavara lenesa?...poate, si totusi pentru mine inca totul e inghetat si plin de vant.Incerc sa ma incalzesc cu adrenalina...Am uita cum e sa bantui drumul cu viteza...ieri am resimtit pe deplin.Inca simt vantul...cum suiera si cum sufletul imi ingheata cu totul.